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games ready to start : 4 - games in progress : 2 - games to confirm : 6 - games ended : 169/232
The cup is alive! 10/10/2003 02:53:13

Yep 12 games started, 1 finished, torp won a 30 turns game in 2 days, why every one don't keep him as example :).

Now just some more info just to be sure.

- Click on start game only after the deploy phase is done not after the challenge, just to be sure.
- Put the right game number, it will be more easy for me to keep all under controll in case of contestations.
- There is not deadline for the end of the turns, just 15 days games and the only dead line is the time out.
- As a new game is formed, the two players will be able to start it, they will receive a email to remember them to start the new game, no pauses please, we are 204 players we want to finish the game before the distribution of "Laser Squad Nemesis 4 the return of the martians with big legs and little nose".

The game settings are :

FP : 20
DAYS : 15
TURNS : 30

If the 2 players don't like the random map they can decide to re-send the challenge, but this is your choise just don't lose time to start the game and do it before deploy ( the receiver of challenge have tono deploy. (this is why you have to send the game number after the deploy)

There is a dead line to start every game after the first turn, it will be posted here soon.

Just for your first match the deadline for challenger is 12/10/2003 then if no challenge sent the other one will be allowed to send the challenge.
Games not started for day 16/10/2003 will be examined by the Administrator to decide if void them.
I hope it is all clear, sorry if it seem to have too much rules, but we have 204 players and 8 turns to go. Good luck to all.


Cup started! 08/10/2003 03:59:30

The fixtures for the first turn are ready, go to ~ Cup Status ~ menu and look for your opponent.
56 players have no opponent for the first turn, they will get default win (vs no one) in a day and will be ready to start turn 2 games immediatly.
Follow this info to play the cup :

First look for your opponent for the next turn (you will receive an email for every turn but you can always check the site to know it, for the first turn the emails will be sent tomorrow but you can start also today).

The first will challenge the second, If you are the challenger send the challenge.

Game type : WIPEOUT
DAYS : 15

As the game start one of the two players have to go to the ladder, click on start near the match and confirm that the game is started with its password (please add also the game number, it will be obbligatory as J.G. will finish the automatic result system for turney).

As the game finish one of the two players have to go to the ladder, click on result near the match and submit the results of the match and confirm with its password.

The other player will have to confirm the results clicking on the result button near the match in the ladder page and confirm with its password. (he will receive an email with reminder to confirm the results submitted by its opponent).

If you don't agree with results sent by your opponent don't confirm and send an email to lsncup@email.it with the wholegame and why you don't confirm it.(you have 2 days from result submitting)

The system will process the confirmed games and will do in automatic the new turns fixture and will send an email to ask to start the new matchs.(The email is only informative, if you check the ladder and you see your next fixture with start button you can start it if you are the challenger).

For evey questions send email to lsncup@email.it (this post will be updated with possible more info).

Good luck to all!!


Ready to go? 07/10/2003 02:14:33

Finally the Cup is ready to start.
With 200 players signed up we are ready to start, the signup page is officially closed.
Now we have a cup with a total of 8 turns but for the first turn 56 players will have no opponent.

I will put the ladder online during the afternoon of today (7 october 2003), and at the same time you all will receive the invitation email to start the first match.

Good Luck to all you.


Here are the rules 03/10/2003 15:11:29

4rd LSN Cup RULES, all comments are welcomed.

1. All registered LSN players that have confirmed will be in the Cup

2. The tournament will be a knock-out style tournament with the draw for all rounds made at the beginning (Same as tennis grand slam events)

3. Games will be played on a 15 days 20 FP 30 Turns RANDOM map setup.

4. The players have to report : START of the game, RESULT and CONFIRMATION of the result, this will be all done by the web interface using login and password you used to register or you got by email, more info on how it work in a next update.

5. When a game is drawn a replay will be played if possible.

6. Dead line for every match is 30 days from the start. If the deadline for a match elapses before a game (or replay) is complete the match will be awarded to the player adjudged by the cup administrator (or other party if this responsibility is delegated) to be winning.

7. In the event of a match still remaining undecided the winner will be decided by the toss of a coin (by the cup administrator)

8. The cup administrator retains sole discretion in setting/adjusting the deadline.

9. The first named player in each contest should issue a friendly challenge  to their opponent as soon as possible after the commencement of the round. Failure to do so could result in a default.

10. Cup matches may be played as league games if both players agree.

11. Players should aim to prioritise cup matches as far as possible.

12. Failure to send turns/deliberate delaying of turns is penalisable by expulsion from current and future tournaments (although I don't expect any problems)

13. Competitors agree to endeavour to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the rules (ie no bending of rules, no attempted cheating etc.)

14. All disputes will be resolved by the cup administrator in such cases where players cannot agree amongst themselves.

15. The cup administrator has the right to request turn files, gamestate files etc. in order to aid with the resolution of disputes.

16. The cup administrator reserves the right to amend the rules at a later date if necessary.

17. The cup administrator's decision is final on all cup related matters, although correspondence may be entered into :-).

NB. The present Rules are a revised versione of rules for the 3th LSN cup done By Aragon


2 days to the start! 29/09/2003 15:20:39

With over 160 subscribed, and confirmed player, we are ready to start one of the bigger Cup ever played in the Laser Squad Nemesis story.

The dead line to SignUp for the cup is 01 / october /2003 19:00 GTM (07:00 PM GTM).
So if you have not signed Up yet, do it now, only the first 256 will be FOR SURE in the cup!. And remember, be sure to use a active E-mail account and your correct LSN Name to signup, if you changed your E-mail or you want to change your password go to the Players Menu and update them. In case you have problems contact me to LSNcup@Email.it.


LSN Cup Returns! 24/09/2003 14:04:56

Finally after near a year Laser Squad Nemesis World Cup returns.
One of the bigger turney for LSN is ready to start in its 4th incarnation. Don't miss it, go to the ~ Sign Up ~ Page and enter now the competition.
Be sure to register with a real E-mail and your correct LSN Name. The first 256 players will be in the cup. If you have questions or problems contact now LSNcup@email.it.
